Hutchinson Central Technical High School

Course Syllabus


Course Name: Health

Instructor: Mr. Sardo            Contact Time: 8:12-8:53         Phone Ext: 1113


Grading Policy
Students will be graded on tests and quizzes, classwork, homework, projects and a notebook. The breakdown will usually be as follows:

A. Tests: 40%
B. Project: 20%
C. Notebook: 20%
D. Classwork/Homework: 20%



Homework Policy
Assignments are to be handed in ON TIME. A student who is absent has until the next test or quiz to make up assignments. You must ask for missed assignments - you may not be reminded.



Test Policy
Tests will be given 2 or 3 times per marking period and will usually cover a single unit (2-3 weeks of information). Classwork, notes and any guest lecture information are all fair game as topics for testing.



Quiz Policy
Quizzes fall under the Test category and are subject to Test rules.



One or two projects will be given per marking period. They will either be internet projects or a demonstration in front of the class based on assigned reading. Projects are researched in the school library and then finished on the student's time. Having no computer at home is not a viable excuse for incomplete projects because students will get 3-4 days to complete projects and may use school computers in the morning and during study halls.

Project 1 Health Scavenger Hunt
Project 2 Nutrition:
Project 3 Tobacco
Project 4 Alcohol/Drugs
Project 5 Sex/STD's



Course Outline
A. Abstinence: Personal and Sexual Health
B. Emotional and Mental Health
C. Nutrition & Physical Activity
D. Violence & Injury Prevention
E. Reducing the Risk
F. HIV, STD and Pregnancy Prevention
G. Tobacco, Alcohol & Other Drug Prevention
H. Tragedy & Hope Curriculum